September 26, 2012

Girl's Fencing

Last year the Girl’s Varsity Fencing Team was created and there were girls who had injuries but still continue to support the team by going to the games or playing in the match with their injury. Maria Contreras, currently a sophomore, was injured on the ribs after our first or second match, but she still had school spirit, going to each one of our games supporting us. Even though it’s sad that she might not be back with us this year, she said she might still go to our games to support us. The team might not have won one game, but they did win one epee match against Bronx Science High School. That was considered a great victory to the team since they haven’t won one single game. This year the team is hoping that we have more girls join the team, especially the freshman’s since they still have a long time in Baruch College Campus High School. The team might still be developmental this year, but it could change throughout the years, after all the team did start last year. Practice was three times a week and it lasted two to three hours. I hope that girls who are interested in fencing, the sport, join the team or at least give it a try to see if you like it, whether you have no experience or not. 

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