October 3, 2012

First Presidential Debate

READ BEFORE POSTING COMMENTS: I'm still not sure if this is a good idea, but I would love to hear your opinion on the debate... DO NOT ARGUE, and if you disagree, please do so in a respectful manner! 

Have you seen the presidential debate?!

If you have, what are you thoughts on it? Who do you side with and why? What are some things either candidate mentioned that you agree with? If you are allowed to vote / or if you could vote, who would you vote for and why?

Credits: Google Images

**Don't you hate all the "why?" questions?

4 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    I watched it...for fun actually. I feel like Romney was a pretty good speaker and thinker, however the points he made were very "sneaky" and general. Obama on the other hand, stumbled a little with his words but he made better points. They both have their strengths and flaws. I don't like how Romney said something along the lines of "poor people" and correct himself by saying lower income. Maybe it was just a mistake but I felt like that revealed a lot. I personally don't have a side but I'm leaning towards Obama.

  2. Anonymous11:08 PM

    My views exactly. I've noticed the same thing, and actually pointed out that part about "poor people"/"Lower Income". Obama stuttered constantly, but if I had to chose, it's more likely to be Obama.

    Also, did anyone see the part when Jim was like, "Mr. President, your 2 minutes are up" and Obama goes "I had five seconds before you interrupted me" ? Ha, that part make me chuckle!

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I also hated how Romney kept bragging about Massachusetts and how their schools were number 1 in the nation. I don't think that it was a point that he should have made so many times, it made him unlikeable in my opinion. But yeah, what Obama said "I had five seconds before you interrupted me" was my favorite part.

  4. Anonymous2:05 PM

    I watched the whole debate, and I found it really interesting. Half the time I wanted to throw something at the TV at Romney. But any who, I agree. Although I didn't really like Romney, he seem more prepared for the debate than Obama did. Both Obama and Romney had flaws and strengths during this debate like what Kristin said. I didn't like how Romney was always cutting off Jim. But it was the first time I saw this debate and it was interesting.


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