October 22, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4: Movie Review

The horror film franchise, Paranormal Activity, released its fourth film last week.  This film tells of what happened after the events of the first and second movie.  Unlike other film franchises, this franchise shows the beginning of the story in the third movie and works its way backwards.  Together, they all inform the audience on the origins of the ghost that has been haunting one family.  Now in this film the ghost returns, but it haunts a next door neighbor as well.
The movie was not scary at all.  It only scares people if they get frightened by loud noises and/or images that pop out suddenly during the movie.  This film only scares the audience for a split second and then it is over.  Overall, the plot of the story was pretty interesting.  I find it more of an interesting movie to watch and wonder about than a movie that is watched to be scared out of your mind.  It may be frightening to some people, but others not so much.  However, it is a good movie to watch during the Halloween season with your friends or family.  If you enjoy horror movies or the previous Paranormal Activity movies, you should go watch this movie!

 - Giselle Barkley, Video Entertainment

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