October 6, 2012

More Music!

If you guys are looking for some music, here are some good tunes to listen to.
"Skyfall" by Adele is very new and was released today. I actually have
heard bits of it the day before its release and I have been waiting to
hear this new song. I like it. It's very "James Bond-like" well
because, it's for the new James Bond movie. Surely you guys have heard
of James Bond or have at least seen the commercial for the new film.
And yeah, it looks awesome. Adele is one of my favorite artists out
there, as she is a favorite for many others. So if you like Adele or
James Bond, go ahead and listen.

Another is "Die Young" by Ke$ha. It's catchy but it's just that. I
don't necessarily enjoy Ke$ha music and her songs kind of sound alike.
So if you know how Ke$ha songs are like, this is pretty similar. I
mean, if you heard of it, you know. But if you want some glittery
dance music, listen to this Ke$ha song. "Take It Off" is really
addictive too, and most of you have probably heard it before.

"How to be a Heartbreaker" by Marina and the Diamonds is catchy and I
like it. Marina and the Diamonds' songs are catchy and she is also one
of my favorite artists. I have heard of her last year but started to
listen to her songs a couple of months ago. Again, her songs are
catchy but they're actually good. She's a little odd but talented
nevertheless. If you want something that's also really catchy, listen
to "Primadonna" by her as well. That's one of my favorites.

Oh, and one of my favorite bands, Muse, is on SNL tomorrow night!

- Sharon Lee

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