October 1, 2012

Walk with us!

Entering the park where we jog during P.E. class...the journey begins

Then you decide that you don't want to jog anymore so you opt for the "hide behind a tree" method

Some Shake Shack would be really good right about now

The walk back to school after a jog at the park! Tired?!

- Kristy & Kristin (: 

3 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    This is sooooooo cool!!!!! Did you guys take pictures and just put them together?

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Lol, no I feel exhausted when I'm back at Baruch!

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I feel you, sista! I totally slack during P.E. though~


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