October 3, 2012

It's October!

 Time to Make Goals for ourselves-

September is officially over which means October is here!!!  I'm excited for Halloween this year and the lovely three day weekend.  October also means that there are not as many days off so we will not be having as many days off.  As bad as it may seem it is also exciting because Septembers make it so difficult to get used to the school year.  With days off every other week, some find it difficult to get adjusted to school and all the work.  Octobers represent the first month with very little days off but don't let it get the best of you!  It may be tiring but it is also nice to finally get into the flow of things.  
So each month I am going to write my goal for the month and what I want to accomplish, you guys should do the same.  Making goals is a fun way to keep active and it feels good to be able to say you completed what you wanted to.  If you have an interesting goal or would like to share what your goal for October is then post a comment.  It would be really interesting to see all the different types of goals people have!!  I will also be posting my quote of the week.  
My goal for this month is to complete everything that needs to be done for my college applications and not completely stress myself out about everything that is going on.  
This weeks quote is from the great Walt Disney "All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them."  So go live out your dreams and stay focused in school.

Brittany W. (Grade 12)

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