October 8, 2012

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" Movie Review

Retrieved from Vanity Fair

Three weeks ago, the film adaption of The Perks of Being a Wallflower was released in theaters.  The movie, which stars Logan Lerman and Emma Watson, follows the story of a boy named Charlie who is just starting high school and is seen as being shy and unpopular.  Soon he begins to make friends with two seniors Sam and Charlie who introduce him to a whole new world in his life.  As the movie progresses, it becomes more complex and dramatic to the audience.  This movie was funny, interesting, and sad at points, but it was incredibly enjoyable.
Having read the book and loved it, I had to see this movie!  It was such a great movie and every teenager can connect to the events that were shown in the movie.  The characters were complex and emotional.  While watching the movie, you can connect with a lot of obstacles the characters are going through.  The movie was not exactly like the book, but it did the book justice and it was just as great as the book.  Even if you haven’t read the book you should still go see it! If you are making a trip to the movie theaters, make sure to go and watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower.  You will not regret it!

- Giselle Barkley, Entertainment

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