October 16, 2012

Seasonal Chapters

The seasons represent so much more than a change in weather and the life cycle of plants and some animals.  Seasons are not only so beautiful but represent the end of something and the start of something better.  It’s like a new chapter starting over and it’s really beautiful because after they are knocked down or release all their leaves, they get back up and start all over.  Mother Nature never lets anything hold her back and I think that it can represent so much more because it shows that even when things are tough you just have to get back up.  There is always more to life and there will always be hardships since that is how life is but the people who can get back up and turn the page, those are the ones who are going to succeed.  There’s a quote that I live by, it’s a really long quote but part of it talks about how “some people are going to quit and some people are going to start going slower, but the people who can finish and finish at the same pace or stronger than when they started, those are the ones who are going to succeed...” is so true and can relate back to Mother Nature because there is constant struggle and during some seasons death but Mother Nature always manages to get right back up. 
The moral of the story is to never give up or let any hardships and difficulties in life hold you down because it is getting back up and starting all over that makes you a stronger person. Letting someone or something hold you back from reaching your dreams only makes it more difficult in the long run and much harder to learn anything.   

-Brittany Waldren

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