October 22, 2012

Halloween Make Up Tutorials!

Hello Sweets,

Halloween is coming up! Have you decided on what you'll be dressing up as?! If not, here are some suggestions: Pirate, Doctor, Disney Princess, Vampire...

There is an abundance of awesome Youtube tutorials on Halloween make up, some may be too extreme to wear to school but none the less, very interesting to watch. Here are some of my recommendations of Youtubers to check out:

Username: Dope2111
Name: Promise Phan
Specialities: Does a lot of halloween tutorials, and celebrity transformations (male and female), and casual make up.
Alice In Wonderland - By Promise Phan

Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter) By Promise Phan
Audrey Hepburn (Breakfast at Tiffany's) - By Promise Phan
Johnny Depp Transformation  By Promise Phan

Username: Petrilude
Specialties: Special effects make up.
Name: Joshua P.
Eye Spy By Joshua P.
Rotting Decay: Zombies By Joshua P.
Who's Your Da... Mummy? By Joshua P.

Username: Pixiwoo
Names: Sam and Nic
Specialties: Make up tutorials, Celebrity transformations, and Halloween Make up.


There are many more- Just be sure to look!
-Kristy Mei (12)

Tell us what you want to be for Halloween in the comments below!

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