October 2, 2012

Elle Vole

I took this image on Tuesday, October 2nd on Roosevelt Island (where I do happen to live). It was a rainy day--those are becoming more common lately. I welcome the rain because this summer was ridiculously hot. Seriously, I thought my face was going to melt off. 

This photo is of my niece jumping over a puddle. To me, it looks a bit as if she's levitating.  This image is supposed to make the audience feel...displaced. I hope the reader will be interested while looking at this picture. I hope the reader will feel a sort of blending of the "supernatural" and the natural world. If you see a cross-dressing pirate, that's ok too.

I shot this at the fastest shutter speed I could so that I would be able to capture the image. We failed multiple times but we were both too determined to give up. So she jumped...and I got splashed one too many times -_-

If I could add one more thing to this image it would be another person looking up, surprised. Besides that, I actually am a bit happy I took this photo even though my camera got wet. I suffer for you, readers of the awesome Blogging Baruch.

- Esther Turay 

5 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Being a photography junkie myself, I find myself being able to appreciate the beauty of this photo. I truly really really like it. It's like something off google! The composition and the colors go so well together. Props to you! (: But personally, I wouldn't dare take out my camera in the rain. What camera did you use for this photo?

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I was really scared actually but I ignored it and just brought it with me :) I have a Canon EOS 1100D and thanks!

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    This picture is really great, I also felt like it was from google. Do you aspire to be a photographer when your older?

  4. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I would love to see some more of your work! Please keep submitting!

  5. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Just a little heads up, to the ones submitting photos, Ms. Perez will be distributing a new photo consent form specifically for Blogging Baruch. We can't post any more photos until those have been handed out & signed!
    I personally own a D1500, mid range dslr but it's good enough for me! Sorry, I'm a nikon for life ahaha.


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