October 3, 2012

October 1st 2012 Volleyball Game

On the first day of October, we had our first game against West 50th. The game against them could have been our win. Throughout the first set, we were so confident. With every ace, we have players jumping up and down. With every ball that they missed, we all screamed out  "yes!" We were all pumped and ready to win that game, that game was ours. However, in the second set, we no longer had the type of game play we had in the first set. Players began to feel frustrated because of the opposing team's supporters. They were doing a tremendously good job distracting us. They had their own step team, stepping to a beat "Let's go Sea Hawks!" They began to scream when we missed a serve and some even started to jump rope on the side. However, the referee blew them away with his whistle. During the timeout, the team gathered and told each other that regardless what it is, we had to win.  Sadly, we were at a tie game once again, with the second set 25 - 23. We were determined to win this final set. Through a quarter of the final set, one of our best volleyball player got injured. As everybody crowded around Yeiling with her hands on her injured ankle, we realized how serious this game was. I personally could not believe our best receiver on court was hurt. Our coach, Jessenia, carried her to the bench and made sure she was okay. As she was being held up towards the benches, Shi Bei, another player on the team starts to cry and said "I've seen her get hurt twice already." The whole team was practically touched, our love for this team is unbelievable. But, the game had to go on. Syndey, a junior, substituted for Yeiling, and on court, the starting players gathered, put their hands in and screamed "For Yeiling!" The team was more determined from before that they had to win this game, but little did we know, a little part of each member died a little. Only 2 minutes into the game, another player twisted her ankle but because it was not serious, she got back up to play again. At the end, we did lose, and this time around, everyone's face was dark. No one wanted to look into Yeiling's eyes. We gathered in a circle and some of us cried, but this only gave the team more of a reason to stay strong and not lose any more games. Most importantly, the girl's soccer team came to support and we definitely got energy from them. Beside this sentimental game, we promise to bring and competitive and intense game in the future, so please come out and support. We need you.   

Julie Tang & Peony Cheng
(Freshmen and Senior)

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