October 1, 2012

Volleyball - Come Support Us!

This past Monday, the 24th, Baruch’s Girl’s Volleyball team had their first game of the season against Health Professions High School (HPHS). Although the game ended with a loss for the Blue Devils, it wasn’t quite as bad as many of the girls had expected it. The girls walked in the gym of Martin Luther King Jr. High School in unison of determination, anxiety, and excitement. They sat at the bleachers closely watching Pace High School play Martin Luther King in the first session. They weren’t only looking at the mistakes that players made, but the volleyball girls were also mentally noting what players were doing well.
The anxiety in each and every one of the girls rose as the start of their game neared. Baruch watched their opponent stride in the gym doors with confidence. Each team gave the other a good 2 minute stare down, trying to assess one another by their appearances. A sense of intimidation rose in the huddled group of Blue Devils, but they managed to keep all of their feelings inside, well.
The start of the first round was very chill and energetic. Balls were called, mistakes were forgiven, and encouragement was in the air. Baruch had lead until HPHS began to catch up and tie. It was a very close round, and it was evident of the determination that the girls had. It was pouring out of them. By the time the second round came along, the energy level wasn’t as high as the previous round. There were so many pairs of eyes watching the ball hit the ground and not so much of the effort to get the ball. With each thud of the ball on Baruch’s play area, I died a little inside. There was no difference from literally handing the points to HPHS with both hands.
As a member of the Baruch’s Girl’s Volleyball team, I think that this game wasn’t so bad. Yes, it’s not very pleasant to start off our season with a loss however, that just means that there’s room for improvement. There’s always room for improvement. We’re on this team because we all share the same thirst to play volleyball. Our team isn’t just a group of people put together to play gym volleyball. Our team is determined to make it to the playoffs. Please check out the girls’ volleyball game schedule and support your schoolmates by attending games. It truly means a lot to us, thank you very much! :)

Yei Ling M.

2 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I feel like you guys get better every season. Keep going and you guys will get there!
    "Perfect practice makes perfect" or something like that. Yes...I had to quote

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    We should have a sports calendar to show dates and times of games


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