October 4, 2012

Childs Play

Hello ladies and gents, I'm here to review a movie of my selection. This is a horror movie, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a person who loves horror movies. One and all, I find them entertaining and i know I'm not the only one. Okay, on to the topic of choice! One of my favorites is the Child's Play series. For those who don't know and have probably never seen any of the movies, Child's play is about a doll. A special doll, a murderous doll. A doll named Chucky, who wasn't really a doll, but a man whose soul got trapped in a doll. He did this to escape certain death, apparently this murder got mixed into some evil voodoo, Juju stuff and found out how to transfer his soul. So his signature move is play barbie (act like a doll and stay inanimate) then attack when the moment is best.  And he is good at his job, he doesn't just kill people, he does it in style! Well later on in the series I think... its been a while. Anyhow there are 5... or 6 movies? I think the later ones are better, the killing scenes are much better and it's actually quite funny. I mean there are comical scenes and some of the horror scenes were funny (to me). My favorite of that series was the last movie, the Seed of Chucky. Now I should remember to say that these movies are rated R ( just making sure, my bosses probably want me to write that). But we are all mature and know how to sneak into rated R movies and just simply watch them on Netflix or something. So you kids should go check it out, and until later.
-Oscar O.

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