October 17, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2

Just a few more weeks Twilight fans :D, Until the end of an exciting series that will probably be a thriller such as the rest. I personally like this series, but I know that there are people out there that don’t, but if you never really tried to read the books or watch the movies, I think you should give it a chance. Life is full of unexpecting surprises you know? Well, back to the topic: Breaking Dawn Part two, this movie is about Bella’s transformation from a human in the other movies into a vampire and also a mother now to her beautiful daughter, Renesmee. As the last movie ended with the shocker that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, which means that he will do anything for her, be anything for her that she will ever need. But the question is what will Bella think about this when she finds out… Also, not trying to spoil the plot from the book, but when Bella has transformed she has a special gift of her own that will lead to amazing sitting on the edge your seat moments in the movie. So, giving this a try when it comes out and I can’t wait to see it once it’s finally out on November 16.

-Amy Cao, Entertainment

3 People Spoke:

  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Who wrote this post?

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Love the Twilight series :) It's very exciting and romantic. Can't wait for the last movie. :D

  3. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Honestly, I like the Twilight Saga, but I am no crazy fan-- I've saw all the movies. I like the story line, and it does get me at the edge of my seat. I remember going to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 in movie theaters with my aunt, her friends, and my cousin on the day it came out (IT WAS VERY CROWDED)but after it ended we could not stop talking about it! It was very interesting, and kind of sad. Reasons why I don't like the movies starts with the fact that it's always so dark just like Harry Potter (OH NO SHE DID NOT JUST COMPARE HP TO TWILIGHT) and I personally do not like movies that have very dim lighting, because it takes so much effort to look at everything that's going on. Sometimes, I'm like "WAIT, WHAT DID YOU SEE?! I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!!" Yeah, I'm kind of blind. Okay, back to why I don't like the movies-- I don't really like the actors. I think Kristen Stewart does a horrible Bella. I mean can she not be so boring all the time? It ruins it for me. I'm okay with Jacob's (Taylor L) and Edward's (Robert P) casting, but Bella... yeah no. Oh did I mention how I hated their child's name? Renesmee? Gosh, I'm sorry but I hate it- I remember we talked about how ugly the name was after the movie (Sorry if I'm being a little offensive to some of you out there).

    Either way, I'm team EDWARD- even though there really isn't a point of a team anymore, since Edward's got the chick~ ha!


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