October 22, 2012

Taken 2 Movie Review

 This weekend, I watched the sequel to Taken. Taken 2 is basically the same movie as the original one, but then again it is also different. Well, in the first movie, the Albanian gangsters kidnap the daughter when she takes a trip to Paris with her friend. The gangsters specialize in human trafficking and plan to transport the girls to a prostitution ring and her dad only has 4 days to find them otherwise they will be gone. Being that he was a retired CIA agent, he was able to find his daughter and friend and kill their kidnappers. Now in the second movie, Bryan, the father,decides to have his ex-wife and his daughter take a trip to Istanbul, Turkey with him. All is good until he is driving around in a car with his ex-wife and he realizes that they are being followed, they immediately realize what is going on and he quickly comes up with a plan. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work out and he and his wife are both taken. The people that are taking them are the Albanian gangsters again but the reason they are striking again is because the leader’s son was shot by Bryan because he kidnapped his daughter so he wants to take revenge by killing him. He plans to painfully kill Bryan and torture him by slowly killing his ex-wife in front of him. Luckily, he gets in contact with his daughter who insists on rescuing them, so by following his instructions she is able to come rescue them. Then Bryan shoots all of the gangsters. Then they go back home like nothing ever happened. So basically it had the same plot: they go on a trip, two of them get taken and someone comes heroically and rescues them. I think we all know how Taken 3 is going to turn out now. I thought it was a good movie, but it could have been more interesting, like there should have been some twists or something. Overall, I enjoyed it and would recommend watching it.
- Eleftheria Kalaitzis, Entertainment

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